Thursday, October 31, 2013

There Is Hope After All

Inspirational song: A Little Good News (Anne Murray)

Things are really going my way today. I took the now teenaged Athena to the shelter, for the first time since before the football trip. We have been doing this since June, and it just isn't fun anymore. Okay, it was never fun, but she is having a harder time of traveling in the car and in the carrier. She yells at me the whole time the car is in motion. Sometimes I ask her whether she is singing along to the music, but most of the time I answer all the names she calls me with "I love you." What else can I tell her? I wouldn't be putting in all these months into playing by the foster rules if I wasn't so determined to keep her. And today, we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The news wasn't ideal--she had yet another test that came back "N/A." One of the vets said we've had so many of those in a row, she is willing to declare it over. We are scheduled for surgery Monday morning. As soon as that is over, I get to adopt her for real. Hooray!!

When we drove up to the house, I noticed that there was one tiny Shasta daisy blooming in a pot where I thought everything was dead. I carried Athena over, still in the carrier, and took a picture of it. And then I looked up and saw there were a few rusty mums still alive. I took a picture of them too. While I did that, I saw one tiny, pink dianthus. Another picture. From there, I saw Edmund's yellow rose blooming, and while standing there, I saw one orange Gerbera daisy. It felt like there were signs of life all over the yard. I had given up, but they hadn't give up on me. I may find my mojo after all, and get back out there and see what I can do to clean up the flower beds again.

I have been singularly unable to sit still all evening. The NaNoWriMo challenge starts at midnight, and I am ready to pick up a pen and dive in. Yes, I am starting the old fashioned way, with a pen and a spiral notebook. I am not typing the whole thing out on an iPad and my desktop computer is still in a heap on the floor of my never-used office. Eventually, I will need to drag it down here to type. I can't wait to start on the book. I'm going to begin right at midnight. I have decided it will be a semi-autobiographical ghost story, if there is such a thing. I can't wait to live the next thirty days. I hope I can win this challenge. I'm only competing against myself, but I'm a tough person to best.

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