Tuesday, January 5, 2016

End of Limbo

Inspirational song: I Feel Like a Number (Bob Seger)

I expected delays and immovable bureaucracy today. I was cynical and skeptical and feeling generally negative. First thing this morning, I called the state regulatory agency, sat on hold for a brief twenty minutes, and was then surprised by a human voice. I explained my situation, and the person I spoke with said it appeared my application was just sitting around, waiting for background check data to be entered. Then she said the results of my fingerprint search were also present. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it. My case file was sitting on someone else's desk. So I got shuffled off to this particular agent's voice mail. I tried to be as friendly and accommodating as I could be when I left a message saying hey, I've been waiting a month, can I get a little love here. And then I spent the next six hours not allowing myself to be more than two feet away from my cell phone, thinking that any second and the agent would call back and ask for some documentation to be uploaded. I was afraid to leave the house, for fear of going out of phone coverage. Hell, for that matter, I was afraid to shower in case I didn't hear the phone ring. Somewhere around three o'clock, still in my jammies, I checked my online account for the thirtieth time since yesterday. Lo and behold, I actually had a license number! I couldn't believe it! Did I sweet talk the regulatory agent into working on it? Did I shame her? Do I care which way that went? Nope. Don't care. I'm straight up legit now! Hooray! I celebrated by immediately mailing off my check to subscribe to the northern Colorado multiple listing service. Do I know how to party or what?

I'm still working on setting up my home office. I spent my time waiting for the phone call (that never came) by setting up my filing system. I am legally bound to hang on to every document, every tiny shred of paper trail, for a minimum of four years. I suppose it's a good thing I paid my dues as a secretary in my youth. I have a chance of remembering how to do this. I'd better. I have to be on top of it all the time. 

I'm moving on, climbing out of limbo. Come on, folks. Let me find you some houses. Let's light this candle. Suddenly all the pieces are falling in place. We even worked out the delay with the business cards, and I should have them next week. (The mom and pop printer shop was closed for all of Christmas. Figures.) I'm so done with waiting. I'm ready to get moving.

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