Friday, January 1, 2016


Inspirational song: Dream Police (Cheap Trick)

I know I was exceptionally glad to see 2014 go into the dustbin of history, after everything horrible that happened to me then. 2015 was better in comparison, but man-oh-man was it stressful and busy. I'm perfectly fine with seeing the last of it too. I have high hopes for good things ahead.

We spent the evening playing Rock Band with my daughter (the older version, because her new instruments didn't play nice with version 4), and burning her Christmas tree, as is proper disposal in our family. We consumed more wine than we ought, and the songs we performed got sloppier as the night progressed. As usual, my keyboard-playing peak was right around midnight, when we were smack in the middle of our best song that we do, Dream Police. In fact, that's the song that was playing as one year gave up its claim in favor of the next. I've talked about it every New Year's Eve that I've had the blog--how I'm childishly superstitious about this day, always sure that what I'm doing on the 31st is a predictor to how the coming year will turn out. So how did my whole day go? I went up to work, learned a whole lot, talked about the process of how to help clients find homes. Then I came home, cooked, napped, and let my brain filter through all the information I'd received. I finished a project (finally curtains on both big windows in the bedroom), and then went to hang out with our daughter and be loud and boisterous. We were having a great time being social at the stroke of midnight. That, right there, that is how I want my year to go. After 35 years, will the tradition hold? It hasn't failed me yet.

I had more to say, but it may have to wait until tomorrow. Which it technically is, but I'd like to sleep first before I have to filter anything through my brain and out my fingers. We're exhausted, and the drive home was all we could handle, having waited so late so we could be safe to steer a car. (We were in danger of being sober, yes, but too tired to drive, so as dangerous as if we'd had a last drink for the road.) Happy next trip around the sun to all of you. May it be exciting and interesting and educational and prosperous, for us all!

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