Monday, January 25, 2016

Shopping Mishaps

Inspirational song: Shock Treatment (Shock Treatment)

I wanted to be a good community citizen. I wanted to purchase my latest device from the locally owned pharmacy that is three blocks from my house. We were there last Wednesday, at their official grand opening, and in between the ribbon cutting and our conversation with our town's mayor, I asked the staff to order for me a TENS system, a home version of the electrical muscle stimulation machines I've used under the supervision of chiropractors and physical therapists. When I walked in today to ask them about it, there was a woman who was on the phone with the supplier at that very moment. They couldn't have it available for me right away, and unfortunately, I was no longer in a position to wait. I told them that I felt bad for not buying from them, but I needed it right away, and was going to get one from Target so I could start using it immediately. I'm glad I did. It made it possible for me to get out and about today. I'm not suddenly healed or anything, but I stood up almost straight for the first time since Friday, as opposed to my shoulders cocked to the left, while my right hip thrust out at an awkward angle in front of me. I looked like someone wadded me up like a straw wrapper.

Less than a month ago, I posted pictures of my daughter's new fishtank that I'd bought her for Christmas, with the glowfish she put in it. Somewhere along the way, she didn't believe me that she needed flake food for those little fish, and she tried to feed them betta pellets. The food ended up sinking to the bottom, getting fuzzy, and turning the water cloudy. Last week all five fish died within about 48 hours of each other. I hated hearing that. Today we went back and got more fish. Unfortunately, she thought the 30 day guarantee for fish was actually 14 days, and she buried them and dumped out the water to thoroughly clean the tank and gravel. She could have gotten a refund or replacements at no additional cost. They were expensive fish, so this was a painful lesson. This time around, she got two each of albino barbs and glow-compatible tiger barbs. We couldn't pass them up. One of the tiger barbs was chasing all the other fish around the tank at the pet store, being a total a-hole. We tried to catch that specific one, just for fun. Not sure we got the right one, but it was still amusing to us to try. She also got a tiny baby female betta, to go in the little tank on her desk. We picked out a pink one, and I told her no matter what she calls her, I'm naming her Rizzo (she's a Pink Lady, amiright?). I will be holding my breath for the next few weeks, to see whether this round of fish takes.

I don't have much else to add. Just that I got to snuggle with Athena and you didn't. Is that gloating too much? (It helped that I had a faux fur blanket to lure her in.)

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