Sunday, January 3, 2016

Uphill Climb

Inspirational song: The Day It Rained Champagne (v. Ann Margret)

I got up and moving today, much more than yesterday. I don't feel like doing any heavy lifting, but at least now I'm not spending the entire day in bed, like I wanted to do when I started feeling crummy before. I was able to be an independent adult, and that came in handy. I was on my own today, while somebody ran a fool's errand. I was chief dog wrangler, not that Murray listens to a word I say. He is much more interested in staying outside and eating dropped bird seed than being inside where it is warmer, but much more boring. I had to bribe him with chunks of apple to bring him in midday, and I still had to lead him with it to get him through the door. Contrary for the sake of being contrary, that one is.

I guess Murray learned the art of being foolhardy and stubborn from the guy who rescued him. The Mr decided today was a fine day for a hike in the mountains. Make that a hard cross country ski trip dragging a heavy object on a sled up to his property. It took him hours longer than he expected it would, and was about ten times as much effort as he predicted. I definitely got the easier job today, only caring for a stubborn paraplegic puppy.

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