Saturday, January 16, 2016

It's Curtains for Me

Inspirational song: Wasted On the Way (Crosby, Stills, & Nash)

I think I have successfully made it through an entire day without a single deep thought. Seriously. The most profound experience of my entire day was cuddling with cats. I should be ashamed of myself, and I suppose at some level I am. But it's hard to feel shame when you've spent a whole day not giving two shits. It was freeing, I guess. Relaxing, maybe. Noteworthy, not at all.

It took me five months to complete two windows' worth of curtains for my bedroom. With an example like that, I wonder how long it will take to assemble the curtains for my dressing room. I started the ball rolling today by purchasing fabric. The clock is running now, and this project will be measured in geologic time. The fabric is pretty, though. I didn't expect to select something so supremely girly, but I guess it was the right choice for the frilliest room I've made since the girls were preschool age, and insisted on frosted pink walls for their bedroom.

Am I really the cranky old woman I sounded like in the fabric store? I kept looking at all of the bolts of fabric, and thought, these are small. Really, really small. So I checked. Yes, they are smaller than they used to be. Most fabrics were sold in 44/45 inch widths, for as long as I can remember back to the 1970s. Now everything I saw was 42/43 inches. It is exactly like toilet paper rolls, that kept getting narrower and narrower in small increments, like we wouldn't notice. Or ice cream containers, but once they got as small as we would tolerate, they just frothed the ice cream and sold us sugared air. I swear, I'm about to start making my own ice cream and weaving my own textiles. Please don't make me create my own toilet paper.

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