Sunday, January 24, 2016

Not Doing the Trick

Inspirational song: Little By Little (Robert Plant)

Several times in the last 24 hours, I thought I'd found the trick to putting my spine back in order. I had the Mister give me a couple bear hugs that made loud pops along my vertebrae, but it never seemed to be the right one. I tried a couple different pain killers, thinking they would allow the muscles to stretch out a little. I've had several fabulous naps, but they were only temporary escapes from the pain. Menthol cream has opened up my sinuses, but only given me marginal relief. Bit by bit, I'm gaining mobility. It is creeping along, but ever so slowly. I was adventurous enough to go down the stairs to the television room, to watch the divisional playoff games. I'd wanted to watch the Broncos play in a bar again, but I was proud of myself for managing to watch them in my own basement.

As I lay down for my last nap, my hips rotated and snapped louder than before. I thought perhaps that was going to be the magic adjustment, but then Rabbit pinned me down and slept on my right side, pressing me down into the bed for an hour. It's possible she undid the progress that the pop had set in motion. I'm moving a little better after that last event, but I'm not about to get up and play yet.

I'm not without hope. One more night of rest might do it. The trick will be sleeping through the night when I've spent so much of the day knocked out. Maybe if I snuggle up with those cats again.

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