Sunday, October 6, 2019


Inspirational song: Who's That Girl (Eurythmics)

It's a good thing I already transferred my picture for tonight to the laptop. My phone battery has drained itself down to zero and shut down for the fourth time since bedtime last night. Would have been more times, but I left the phone plugged in the whole time I sat and listened to the football game this afternoon. I've known the battery was iffy for months. It started draining quickly months ago, but for a while it pretended it was feeling better, like almost normal. Then suddenly late last night, it surprised me and shut itself off when I thought it was at 30%. I noticed it was fully charged right as I was going to sleep, so I unplugged it and left it on the bedside table. Around 4, when I got up for a potty break, it shut itself down again. I plugged it in, and went back to sleep. By the time I sat down with a cup of coffee this morning, it was down to 95%. We kept playing this game all day. I'll just hope I'm successful getting a new battery for it tomorrow. As much fun as it would be, now is not a good time to have to replace more pieces of tech.

I was previewing my pictures from the canyon last night, casting them onto my TV to decide which ones were worth sharing. I had a trio of pictures of Harvey, who had been sitting on my lap an hour earlier. Alfred was facing the TV while I flipped through the photos, and when suddenly there was a four-foot-wide Harvey looming over him. Alfred flattened himself on the bed and studied the change in power dynamics. He was used to Harvey being the smaller wrestling partner. He didn't like the prospect of having the tables turned.

I want to try to go back up to the mountains in the morning. I never made it to the Peak to Peak, and as of this morning it was still nice up there. It's going to be quite a trick to take pictures with a phone that drains one percent of battery per minute. I'll have to be creative.

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