Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Frosty Goodness

Inspirational song: Here Comes the Rain Again (Eurythmics)

It's cold outside right now. As we said goodbye to our game night crew at the door, I could see that the streets were wet, and cold air came in even through the storm door. We knew that a blast of arctic air was coming, and it has arrived. I've been excited for almost two weeks waiting for this. There will be snow, probably enough to measure. My friends are talking about working from home (luckily most of them have that ability -- I assume the college campus will be open tomorrow afternoon for Mr S-P's class). The streets will most likely be warm enough that driving won't be affected much, but it's possible they could be a little slick. The part I'm looking forward to is the snow on the grass, and on the leaves on the trees. This will either cause the leaves to suddenly start to turn gorgeous colors, or it will weigh them down so much that limbs break and they shed leaves without the pretty change. I'm hoping for the former.

The front came through around 3:30 this afternoon. It was sunny and calm when I had gone out to a late lunch with my daughter. I was in my room afterward, resting in front of the TV, when I looked up and saw strong winds rocking the trees and scattering the occasional bursts of bright gold leaves. By 5 the winds were calmer, but the temperature plummeted rapidly. Mr S-P brought in all the pumpkins he had exposed yesterday when he put the wilted leaves and vines in the compost after a frost this week. They're stacked up in the garage, blocking the one path through the cabin construction materials. The potted lemon tree and amaryllis plants are in my dining room, taking up a ton of space. (Good thing game nights moved downstairs, or it would be problematic.) Right before the gang arrived, he also rescued the last of the tomatillos, piling them on top of the last zucchinis, peppers, and lemon cucumbers of the season. We didn't get a lot out of the garden this year, but we did get a few fun things. I guess I can make one more batch of green chile tomorrow, with zucchini instead of meat? It could work. I'm game to try.

I'm absolutely exhausted after spending all my energy cleaning house for the Wednesday game. I want to check out and sleep, but like the child I am (perpetually), I don't want to miss the moment the first flakes start to fall. Snow is supposed to start around 1 am. How could I possibly sleep before then?

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