Friday, October 18, 2019

I See Yer Problem

Inspirational song: Never Been to Spain (Hoyt Axton)

It's time for a Friday potpourri post. Theming is a little beyond me with what I have to offer.

This week I wrote about food, as I so often do, and said something about failing to teach my daughter how to make gravy. A friend from my hometown and my mom commented on that one, and they had a back-and-forth about some dish called "eggs a la goldenrod." I had never heard of it, and they seemed to roll their eyes (in written form) over memories of their mothers making it. So I googled it, and found that it was basically creamed hard boiled eggs on toast. That didn't sound so horrible, and seeing as how it was morning and I was so hungry that my stomach hurt, I decided to give it a whirl. I boiled two eggs, made a white sauce with chickpea flour, and heated up a gluten free everything bagel in the oven. The "goldenrod" part comes from chopping the egg whites into the white sauce, but crumbling the yolks over the top of the dish. Not so hard. And it wasn't nearly as awful as I expected it to be from their agonized nostalgia. It wasn't all that different than biscuits and gravy, when it comes down to it, and it wasn't necessarily unhealthy. I might actually do this again, sometime when I am in possession of gluten free sandwich bread. Heck, one of these days, I might actually own a toaster again.

When I was supposed to pick my daughter up to go grocery shopping on Wednesday, my car wouldn't start. I tried to get the hood open, but try as I might, I couldn't find the secondary release handle on the front of the engine compartment. (I don't attempt to access it very often, so I didn't realize what I was looking for was a yellow swing-out piece of plastic, instead of a push-up metal piece like older cars I had long ago.) When the Mr came home and I told him about it, he said that he went out and it started up three times in a row, with no issues. Of course. I never went anywhere by car yesterday, so I didn't follow up on it. We were heading out to go to a matinee movie and dinner this afternoon, and finally he was able to re-create my problem. The engine barely clicked when the button was pushed. So he looked under the hood. Sure enough, the battery terminal was thickly coated with light blue corrosion. He poured a little vinegar on it, jumped it with his car, and off we went. It started up just fine in between the movie theater and dinner, and we sort of forgot about it. Until we tried to leave after dinner, and once again, nothing but clicks from the car. Oops. We called around, and our foster daughter was literally a block away from us, so she came over and we used her car for the jump. So I guess tomorrow is going to be time for a bit of car maintenance.

As for the movie, I must admit to being pleasantly surprised. I really expected a sequel to disappoint me. It did not. Judging from the giggles from the audience around me, they also were pleased with the film. We went to see Zombieland 2. While rehashing jokes from the first movie usually feels forced and desperate, this time a level of self-awareness made references to the original sort of cute. I won't lie, it is every bit a zombie-killing movie, with all the gore of the genre. In this sort of setting, I don't mind that. And without giving anything away, I will say: Stay to the end. Don't leave as soon as the credits start to roll.

And lastly, I made my first attempt to sleep under a weighted blanket this week. I couldn't find an adult one at Wal-Mart, so I bought a kid one that was way too light for the purpose, but possibly too heavy for my finicky spine. I only had it on the bed a few nights, but it was there long enough for me to notice the cats acting differently. I studied them, and their heightened alertness, and came to the conclusion that the tiny glass beads inside the blanket slid in the little pockets like sand in an hourglass, and hissed ever so softly. Cats just didn't trust it. So I was surprised to find Harvey calmly sleeping on top of it once it was folded and put on my cedar chest. I was so tempted to reach over and make noise with it, just to see whether he would jump. I didn't. But I thought it.

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