Thursday, October 10, 2019

To the Pain

Inspirational song: Everybody Hurts (R.E.M.)

I recall admitting last night that I am an absolute child when it comes to snow days, from the first one of the season to the very last. The only time I’m really disappointed to have snow is when I’ve already planted my tomatoes in May. I did exactly what I predicted, and got up to look out the window multiple times during the night. Right before I shut the lights off at 11:30, I peered out, leaning over sideways to be able to see around the eaves to the streetlight, to see tiny misty snow swirling lightly in the pink light. I woke around 2, and popped up to look again, just crushed to see that all precip had stopped at that point. I didn’t mean to get up at 7:40, needing to recover more from an uncomfortable night, but I couldn’t help myself. I had to look out of the window again. I grabbed my phone to capture exactly what my sleepy, sticky eyes saw. A soft blanket of snow on everything except the lanes of the road. Once I saw that, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I got up, got coffee, and sat by the window, glancing over with a smile every few minutes that it was still coming down.

It cleared up a little during the day, and most of it melted off of the grass. Murray ran ruts into everything that was accumulated in the back yard. The sun took care of the front. It snowed a little more in the late afternoon, but it didn’t really stick this time. Now it is dropping down to bone-chilling cold—pipe-freezing cold at that. We almost forgot to unhook the front hose. It was after dark, and well below freezing before it was taken care of.

The snow is over, but the cold will stick around a while. Emotionally, I am thrilled about that. Physically, I might not be enjoying it as much. It’s possible that the sudden seasonal change set off this flare that took me down today. It could be a result of the poor sleep from last night. Whatever, today was a really bad pain day. It was the worst lupus/fibro type pain that I’ve had all year. I look like I’m squirming in my seat, but really my muscles keep tightening up so badly they are pulling me in weird directions. I’m famously horrible at assigning a number to pain when nurses ask me, but today it’s blatantly an 8 or better. I’m surprised Mr S-P didn’t notice I was much less talkative today, but even my jaw was clamped shut. It’s been going all day like this. I had a little respite from a prescription painkiller that I took at noon, but it took hours and a 20 minute hot tub soak to make a difference. It’s all coming back now. It will be a much earlier night for me tonight.

Oh, and now I’m covered in hives. Great. Just great. Perhaps a Benadryl is in order. Sleep won't be a problem this time.

(Yesterday's temperature swing right as I was blogging)

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