Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blanket of White

Inspirational song: Happy (Pharrell Williams)

I can go to bed happy tonight, having gotten exactly what I'd hoped for: a big, honking winter storm, even though it's still just October. It's all I wanted. There's going to be record-setting cold for the next day and a half, which means this awesome snow will stick around a little while. I love it so much. I'm not really sure how much we got on my own personal Park, but I know it was deep enough to keep me from marching through the yard to get across to the neighbor's when I needed to borrow a piece of hardware from him. I went all the way to the sidewalk, which we so rarely do, because the snow was more than ankle deep, even taking into account my boots with a chunky heel.

The neighbor took today as a snow day, as did Mr S-P. Well, the Mr was told to stay home, after his community college shuttered their doors an hour before his class was supposed to start this afternoon. The roads are a little nuts, it is true. I was too excited to stay home myself. I had to see whether Rotary was still going on. It was thinly attended, comparatively speaking, but there was still more than half of the club joining me for lunch. I regretted not getting my snow tires swapped in, but taking it slow meant that it was more just fun skidding, not the scary kind of skidding, when it happened.

I've seen the flashing lights of the snow plow go up and down my street twice now. The snow hasn't stopped yet, and there should be enough overnight to measure, but just barely. Not sure yet whether the college will be closed again. It didn't come up in the scroll on local news. The K-12 is only on a two-hour delay here. The thing that really matters, though, is whether the roads will be clear enough that the two members of my game crew who don't live in city limits will be able to get here. Priorities, you know.

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