Thursday, October 24, 2019

Flash in the Pan

Inspirational song: Nothing Knocks Me Over (Chumbawumba)

I blinked and missed it, in a quite literal sense. When I went to sleep last night, it was solidly snowing. I peeked out a couple of times and smiled with glee over how steadily it came down. I woke in the six o'clock hour with the urgent need to get up for just a minute, and in the dim light I could see that the grass and cars were blanketed with white, but the roads were mostly clear. I was still pretty sleepy, and thought I'd just close my eyes for an hour before getting active for the day. I didn't open them again until almost nine-fifteen. Oops. I looked outside, and the snow had already gotten that clumpy look, where it looked like it had come down in small snowballs, and left more mud than snow cover.

It's okay, I'm sure. It will be nice the next two days, which is good for my plans. I'm supposed to be taking a group of folks to the south end of Fort Collins to plant a whole bunch of trees for a non-profit program that gets Colorado kids outside and participating in sports and activities. This is one of the biggest volunteer projects my brokerage has undertaken, and it's a milestone. I think it's the 30th project, but don't quote me on that. It will be a gorgeous day, for people who like warm sunshine. Me, I probably won't do much of the digging and lifting of trees, but our volunteer coordinator has given me tasks that will work with my abilities and allow me to duck under shade often. Among those will be taking pictures of the participants, so expect a photo essay Saturday night.

The weather will turn cold again Saturday night, quite suddenly. By Tuesday night, we should have a thick coat of snow again. I wish I knew how to interpret the forecasts, though. I overthink everything, so when I see a nighttime prediction of an inch of snow, the next day a call for one to three inches, and then that next night one to three inches, do I add all of that together? So a minimum of three and a maximum of seven? Or do you assume that "one to three" written twice in a single day means the whole day combined? Overthinking makes my head hurt. I have buried my shame over not knowing this answer for years.

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