Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Covering Everything

Inspirational song: I Can Feel Your Heartbeat (The Partridge Family)

This morning's doctor visit turned into more of a jumping off point than tying up loose ends into a tidy knot. I went in with a crazy tangle of issues, and a venti cupful of anxiety about getting it all out coherently. I am certain the anxiety came out like I was wearing a neon sign announcing it. This was only the third time I've been face to face with the new primary care doc, and I stress over remembering how much she knows of my extensive history, and how much I have to summarize without sounding like a lunatic. Luckily, she was extra calm for me today, and I think we made progress on sorting out the stuff that has been annoying but only worthy of a back-seat priority while lupus and cancer were driving the bus. She did surprise me with an EKG in-office before I had blood drawn and a follow-up visit scheduled. She is being thorough and serious, and I appreciate her for it. It's a damned shame I can't remember what I was directed to do after the tests today. I guess I'm going to have to call later this week and ask for repeat instructions.

Tomorrow morning, earlier than I want to be functional, I go back to the guy who gives me Botox for migraine. I am thrilled to get back on his schedule. I understood and agreed that I had no business injecting a toxin into my body while my immune system was being smacked down over the summer. It meant that as the seasons changed and the angle of afternoon sunlight hit me differently I had significantly more migraines with and without aura, and sometimes just the aura without the headache. I might not be able to scowl properly with Botox, but it sure is nice not feeling like the evil glowing-ball-of-exploding-gas-in-the-sky is out to get me.

I've been slow with my pictures lately. Today I am reminded that when one is trying to capture cats being cute, one should never, ever, ever make a sound. Especially not a kissing noise to make cats look in the direction of the camera. Maybe if my cats liked me less, they wouldn't immediately assume it was an invitation to come running to me. All I had wanted was to show how suspicious they were of the boxes of wreaths that came in the mail, from the house of an old friend who has even more animals in her house than we do. There was so much sniffing and judging, but I had to ruin it by making noise.

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