Thursday, December 26, 2019


Inspirational song: Bastille Day (Rush)

For Christmas, I made my daughter a cross-stitch to fit her personality. I looked up a few pictures online to get a vague idea how to stylized an image, and then I got grid paper and created my own pattern. Let's call it a "French" design. I showed a picture of it to my brother, and he liked it so much, he wanted one of his own. He then showed it to friends of his, a couple of whom claimed they'd pay for one if I made more. I'm not used to my own designs being so popular. I wonder whether those comments turn into real commissions. It would be cool, and I would totally make it happen.

This week has been exhausting, for everyone I know. It has been so for those of us who crafted presents. It was so for people who prepared food and cleaned their houses for parties. It was even exhausting for a certain person I know who has been taking advantage of a light work schedule and the ability to play video games at a neighbor's until three in the morning. I wish I had been able to power down and nap this afternoon like I would have if I had been spending the holiday at a relative's house. 

I can only do the next best thing: go to bed early. I have a new supply of cross-stitch fabric (aida cloth), and I plan on settling into bed and falling asleep with the hoop in my hand. If luck is with me, I will manage not to roll over on the needle in the middle of the night. Happy boxing day, everyone!

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