Thursday, December 12, 2019


Inspirational song: I Am Steve (Steve)

Shout out to my brother for providing a pernicious ear worm just now. He tagged me when posting this song, and several minutes after listening, every note of it is still echoing in my head. I mean, I saw Frozen II and not a one of the songs stuck, but this? I'll probably dream about it.

I was struggling under the weight of a suddenly jam-packed schedule, but I still carved out time to keep a commitment we made days ago to watch the third Star Wars episode (Revenge of the Sith, not Return of the Jedi--chronological order of the story line, not release dates). I thought it would take my mind off of everything. Instead it stressed all of us out. For one, it wasn't as much of an improvement over episodes one and two as T had remembered from his youth. The writing had holes and the acting was still pretty stilted. We all kept pointing out plot problems with the science and with the behaviors. Even I did it, and I hate it when people do that. The worst part was how many scenes and bits of dialogue applied to what's happening in this country right now, as I type. I wanted escapism, not to have current political realities ooze through my science fiction. What can I do now? It's not terribly late at night. Maybe I can tune into a Hallmark Christmas movie for the implausible escapism I crave.

I used to feel like we were living through the Order of the Phoenix/Half-Blood Prince phase in our dystopian development. I was completely taken by surprise to find Revenge of the Sith even vaguely relevant. Why couldn't my current reality be like that one movie where the guy has a short amount of time, like a week or two, to spend a billion dollars on anyone but himself? That could be fun. But no, I get historical collapse of government to watch. Maybe next year I can model my life after musicals, and just break out into song and dance everywhere I go. I'm sure that won't get me kicked out of the grocery store...

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