Friday, December 13, 2019


Inspirational song: I'm Free (the Who)

I'm going to bed in an entirely different world from the one in which I woke, and I'm barely referring to anything outside of my own little bubble. Early this morning, I was stressed out and uncomfortable. It was so bad, I woke at 4 and tossed and turned until 6 before finally fell back asleep. I had too much on my plate and everything hurt. That was as bad as it got. My world improved rapidly after that.

There is very little that people like me enjoy more than obligations falling off the schedule. I heard back from my doctor's assistant, and she tidied up loose ends and promised to mail me copies of all of my referrals once they were done. Clerical work I don't have to do, check. I did a little setup for a tour that was causing me stress, but after negotiating based on a weather forecast, that tour has been postponed to a date when it will be less stressful. Un-effing my Sunday, check. I still have a lot to do, but the overloads have cleared. What a relief.

And mid day, the real magic happened. I've only been back to see Slow Hand once since I completed treatment, for a one hour massage to test to see whether I was ready. Today I got my usual 90 minutes, and I worried that I'd not be able to handle being on the table that long. We planned ahead to flip me four total times, after 20 minutes of muscle work. I was okay face down, pressing on the Biozorb marker implant. I wasn't on my low back long enough to inflame it. And miracle of miracles, my muscles actually let go of tension. I've been one giant knot for months, especially when I was spending weeks at a time in a worn-out bed. Now I feel like my skeleton has the freedom to settle in to its proper position. And that is enough to make my world happy once again. Man, I hope all of you are able to feel this way too, if not now, then very soon.

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