Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ogre Centipede

Inspirational song: Breathless (Jerry Lee Lewis)

Boy, when you're a middle aged woman with good insurance who complains of shortness of breath, they don't mess around. It was just yesterday that I told my primary care doc that I'm sucking wind after just a single flight of stairs, and within a single day I'd had a chest x-ray and met a pulmonologist. I'm having imposter syndrome now, feeling like the reaction is way outsized for the complaint. It's nice being taken seriously, but I am a bit overwhelmed. 

My month has suddenly filled up, and I am getting nervous. I should probably schedule myself down days, and actually block them on the calendar. Without guarding that time fiercely, I risk crumbling under the busy cycle that is starting. Most of what I plan to do is pretty good, but I'm going to want to be able to stop and breathe once in a while.

Pretty sure I had more to write, but I'm too burned out to remember what it was I wanted to say. I had to be in Boulder with the dawn this morning, and I wasn't afforded a nap any time since. It's time to grab a cat or two and sack out to recharge.

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