Sunday, December 15, 2019

Too Long

Inspirational song: Too Shy (Kajagoogoo)

I almost couldn't climb the four stairs up to the Elks lodge for day two of the training. I was so sore, I'm sure I made an unpleasant noise as I grabbed the railing and hauled myself up. It wasn't until I grabbed the door handle that I realized a healthy young adult was right behind me when I did that. How embarrassing. When she and I checked in together, I muttered something about being sore, and she asked whether I'd gone canvassing already that morning. No, I said sheepishly. I sat in (points to other room) those chairs too long yesterday. 

I questioned my sanity for the whole drive to the second day of this stuff. I knew it was supposed to be focused on the apps used for canvassing and phone banking, and as good a job as those trainers did of psyching me up to reach out, there is no way I'll do those things. My stomach spins anxiously just imagining it. Oddly, I stuck it out to the end, and I'm glad I did. They eventually got around to the app to use after table events or random conversations around town, and that will be useful to me. The very last thing we did was brainstorm ideas for events, and I left feeling absolutely exhausted yet still fired up.

I have been a useless lump since arriving home. We spent hours catching up on the two series we had been streaming, and we finished all available episodes. I literally crawled in bed before 630 and never left it, and now I'm still there but too tired to sleep. I got a whole lot from the long weekend training, but I had to trade all of my spoons for what I got. Good trade.

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