Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Old Eyes

Inspirational song: Doctor My Eyes (Jackson Browne)

Once again, I have to speak in euphemisms and vague language. It's the most serious month of gift-giving, and I have fully entered the chute of crafting and customizing. I'll look neither left nor right for the next three weeks as I travel through that gauntlet of gifting. It's going to make my nightly public diary entries difficult.

It took a couple different stores to find the supplies I needed for the current gift in progress. I had most of the pieces, but the substrate I thought I had is thoroughly hidden, if it still exists in this house. I found what I needed this evening, plus some small-grid graph paper to plot it out on. I didn't mean to stay up all night, but this is the first time I've ever tried to properly design one of these from scratch, and it had a small learning curve. It wasn't hard, per se, but it was tedious. Once I got the plan laid out, I couldn't resist starting a couple rounds on it, and that turned into additional hours of work. I turned off my overhead light around 11, and have been working from the small lamp on the side table. It was not a good compromise.

After working in the dim light on a tiny grid, and then transferring the information from that grid into a real-life craft, I find myself with very tired, sore eyes. I have been switching back and forth from near to far vision, glasses on and then glasses off. My eyes are burning and my head keeps drooping. I should have started all of this while there was still daylight. It should be easier tomorrow. And it will still have to be secret. I hate secrets.

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