Saturday, December 28, 2019

Seeing Double

Inspirational song: Give Me Some Money (Spinal Tap)

It is straight up impossible to sit still for an entire day without pain. I verified that today. I was doing a repetitive task that required me to sit the whole time. I made myself get up and take breaks a few times, but geez. Today was a literal pain in the butt.

I now have two people who want a copy of the cross stitch that I made for my daughter. One is family, the other a complete stranger who is willing to pay for it. I get so few commissions for the crafty things I make. It feels really weird when one comes along. I have never dared command high hourly rates for my work, even for things that require fine detail skills that I have. You would think at some point I would have developed the ability to pay myself properly for my work. Nope. Been this way since the days my buddy and I ran a costume design company out of her garage. 

I'm still growing out my fingernails that were so badly damaged over the summer. Chemo ate them up, but they will recover. I just have to wait out the stage where all of my nails tear below the quick, and the tips of my fingers become exquisitely sensitive. Unfortunately that means pushing a needle through tough aida cloth over and over really irritates them. If anyone else from my brother's friend group wants one of these cross stitch designs, I may have to pop over to the craft store for a thimble. I should probably get some of those silicone ones regardless. I know this isn't the last craft project on my calendar.

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