Monday, December 9, 2019

Number Two

Inspirational song: Yoda (Weird Al Yankovic)

Never have I been more tempted to write in emoji in my blog. But if ever there was a good night for the poop emoji, it would be after watching Attack of the Clones, right? Wow. T sent us rules for a drinking game for this episode. I gave it the old college try, with a drink I called "almond mocha," which was actually hot chocolate with a combined two ounces of Bailey's, Kahluha, and Amaretto. (Honestly, if I really gave it the old college try I would have had about 12 shots of Jim Beam lined up, ready to go, but I'm older and wiser now.) There was just too much on the list to drink to: every time Obi-Wan talks down to Anakin, every time Anakin and Padme have awkward moments together, every time someone loses their light saber or falls great distances or loses their head.... I had to give up and just watch without a cup in my hand.

I'm nearly 100% certain I hadn't watched this one or the Revenge of the Sith since they came out in theaters. I really didn't remember a moment of the plot of AotC. It was a whole lot longer than any of us expected, with a run time of well over two hours. The Mr was supposed to be home by 8, and T and I went ahead and started the movie just past 830. His girlfriend arrived by 9, and the Mr didn't make it until almost 940. He really didn't miss all that much, other than a whole lot of things that didn't make sense. And while I know why they did it, I agree with T that a completely CGI Yoda is just a disappointment, even if he does fight like a real Jedi this way.

I have to be quick tonight. I have an appointment with my primary care doc first thing in the morning, and I've been saving up all sorts of goodies to discuss with her. I need to get as much sleep as possible, so I have a hope of remembering and articulating everything properly. I didn't take any pictures today, but yesterday I took a screenshot of a screenshot that someone else took and put up on Twitter. Is that Inception levels of copyright infringement? It's of a puppy that was available for adoption in LA last week, and I can't stop thinking about her. If I lived in LA, that little girl would already by sleeping on a foam pillow in my bedroom. She was so perfect, with her little shepherd snout and Yoda ears. And seriously, if I wasn't meant to adopt this dog, why did they name her after my home town to get my attention? Oh, to be able to jet out to LA and get her...

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