Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Inspirational song: Synchronicity II (The Police)

Thank goodness we bailed on the trip to the ranch. We were all so tired and sore and not up to driving three hours each way. As Mr S-P said, we would probably have ended up in a ditch somewhere along the drive. Instead, we all moved slowly this morning, some people sleeping late, and we sat around the kids' house and played with the baby, while we waited for the Mr to complete a blood donation. 

Val is progressing nicely through toddler growth stages. She was running around her living room, babbling nonsense syllables, and getting into everything. She now melts down when things she's not supposed to have are taken out of her hands, but she is easily distracted, so she stops crying quickly. When we all went out to lunch, this was the first time I saw her in a plastic booster seat, in her own chair, with a paper kids menu and crayons. She didn't quite get the whole drawing thing (crayons in her mouth), but she did okay with drinking water with a straw. She is exactly 15 months old this week, so I think she is doing quite well developmentally. She was game to try all the foods put in front of her, even the mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, and salmon (insert barf emoji for that last one). 

Eventually she wore out, started dumping water on her chest, and zonked out in the car on the way home. We all felt that way. I slept half of the afternoon away, and ended up skipping game night so that I wasn't a Debbie Downer for the rest of the gang. This is how this day needed to be, and I fully embraced it.

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