Monday, August 23, 2021


Inspirational song: Join Together (The Who)

Four days into this thing, and I'm doing fine. I've begun to dramatically taper off pain pills, although I'm not entirely off them yet. I'm getting around the house okay, but I still need assistance making meals. My sleep schedule is all jacked up, as is expected. 

I think the worst part I dealt with today was my reaction to glue. With the first partial mastectomy and the chemo port placement/removal, I itched horribly from the surgical glue they used to close incisions. I had a rash around each application that lasted until it all peeled away. Benadryl mostly handled it. For this surgery, most of my chest is taped up around the gauze, and wrapped in a binding that relies heavily on velcro. I am covered in a nasty rash from jawline to belly button. It's not quite as red as a poison ivy rash, but it is every bit as bumpy and itchy. The plastic surgeon's nurse called late this afternoon to check on me, and she tried to get me to come in tomorrow to find solutions for it. I can't get there without a driver, and tomorrow the Mr teaches three classes, one of which is at a campus in a different town. I said I would just keep downing Benadryl as long as it was working for me. Not a great solution, but a tolerable one for now.

Have I said out loud how glad I am that I completely emptied my schedule for this week? I made zero promises about meeting anyone for any reason before the bandages come off Friday. I would accept visitors, but on a more spontaneous kind of arrangement. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to do nothing this week but knit my body back together.

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