Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Inspirational song: Elmo's Song (Sesame Street)

I just can't leave the house, can I? I was gone a few hours, with the girls to Target and to Rotary, and that big stinky dog decided to tour the alley and get in trouble with the fuzz. Somehow the back gate opened (and I always check the latch when I come through it because of dogs), and she got out. Animal control tried to nab her, and she freaked out and tried desperately to get back in the yard. Wouldn't let them near her, so they called the phone number on Murray's tag to make sure she was in the right yard. Small miracle, they left her there and secured the gate. Hey, Saoirse, how about tomorrow you cut mommy a break and don't make me worry so much about you?

Things had started out so well, too. I kind of needed to go to Target to pick up some travel size toiletries, so I can get away with just a small carry-on for the weekend. When my daughter called to see whether I wanted to go there, once again I had to wonder how we still function as if we share the same brain. (Older daughter used to wave her hand between us to make sure the umbilical cord wasn't still attached.) Days ago we had discussed trying there to find an Elmo doll, as we struck out last time we were shopping elsewhere. We walked around the store, and listened to Valerie correctly name everything she saw. Midway through the loop of the store, we showed her a stuffed doll from Animal Crossing, who she identified easily. But that stuffy went back on the shelf. When she got Elmo, and we rolled away with it still in her hands, she knew that "Mo" was hers. What a smile.

I'm feeling a bit stressed out because I'm having to change plans constantly right now. My days keep going sideways, throwing curve balls, pick a metaphor. I ought to take a lesson from Val, who carried one of her favorite toys outside after I dropped them off, and just grooved to music in the grass. Smart girl.

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