Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Inspirational song: Talk to Ya Later (The Tubes)

If there is anything the last two and a half years have taught us (some learned better than others), it's "stay home when you feel sick." Don't take that to mean I'm saying I have the Rona. What I'm saying is I have a tummyache, and I've been tired for a couple days. There were a bunch of things I wanted to accomplish today, and instead I squeezed all the good out of that wonderful fresh sheets on the bed feeling. I wasn't napping straight through for all three hours that I lay there this afternoon, but when I wasn't actively cuddling with my special helper dog and devoted cats, I was absolutely unconscious. I woke long enough to text my friend and apologize for backing out of a party this afternoon, and I was blessedly grateful to see the game group chat all reach the conclusion that we weren't meeting tonight, without me having to whine about my tummy a single time.

My daughter seems to be feeling very much the same, and we were together yesterday. I can't discount the possibility that she and I caught a stomach bug. But as we said to each other, I was feeling "very lupusy" and she was "extremely pregnant." It could be a coincidence.

Tomorrow I go down to see my rheumatologist, so chances are I will feel just fine for that. I invariably perk up when I see her, forgetting to mention all the little signs of disease I ought to keep track of. I suppose if there is anything important, it will show up in blood work.

I only walked outside of the door long enough to water my flowers. Tomorrow will be adventure enough to compensate for today.

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