Thursday, June 9, 2022

Farmer's Tan

Inspirational song: Man of a Thousand Faces (Marillion)

I doesn't take a genius to predict that too much time in the sun on one day means a significant amount of downtime for me the next day. I was proud of how much I did yesterday, but I knew what was coming, and sure enough it did. Not only are my arms glowing red in patches where they faced upward, but I felt like I was sunburned on the inside. It was that sharp stinging feeling deep in my muscles and bones. I stayed in the house as much as I could get away with. I didn't even go out to water the flowers until almost 9 pm. My farmer's tan is nearly complete. From the elbows down, I now match my ankles that have remained pink for weeks, since I sat out on the ground wearing high water jeans. I wonder what the back of my neck looks like about now.

I had an opportunity to leave the house, but I turned it down. It was tempting to go to my favorite chicken restaurant with the girls, and then to a craft store. But between the sunburn and the desire to stay close to the teevee (because, duh, politics junkie) I made them just come to me. Thank goodness the takeout food from that restaurant is as good as eating in the establishment. I should have tipped my delivery girls better. I did give them pina colada ice cream, so maybe that counts.

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