Friday, June 3, 2022

Los Flores

Inspirational song: Sunrise, Sunset (Fiddler on the Roof)

I made a serious attempt to use my flower porch for its intended purpose. I went out this morning with my coffee and phone, fully expecting to kick back and watch videos until time to go see the physical therapist, to show her how well I'm conquering lymphoedema. My plans were diverted, when the sun decided to smack me right in the face. It was so bright I couldn't see my phone screen, and those heavy iron chairs keep me a bit more upright than I prefer to be. Maybe on a cloudy day, with a big rock to prop my feet on, and I'll accomplish that life goal.

I am still totally enraptured by my potted flower garden. Considering I basically blew all of my "I'm cancer free; let's travel the world to celebrate" money on annuals and terra cotta pots, I'd better still be in love with it. I am almost done futzing with it. I bought another coconut liner to go ahead and plant the wire basket that matches the one with the supertunias. I put in some stuff I already had, plus some verbena I've been looking for all week. I might have accidentally picked up a "Rocky Mountain orange" geranium while I was buying verbena. It happens. Now there's only that drift rose, waiting for the front corner by the driveway to be prepared, and a couple tiny things left in the to-be-planted pile. I went out this evening to dead head everything I could find, and to enjoy the shade with a calorie-free beverage, in the same spot as this morning. That seat is a lot nicer without the sun in my face. This time, I could even see the phone screen.

I babysat for a few hours over at the kids' house. We watched all of Cats on Broadway, and most of Moana, while reading every single book she could put her hands on. She is really advancing quickly in her race to literacy. I could not be more thrilled. And she is getting even better at understanding that the world around her is not just an extension of herself, but made of other things entirely. The way she interacts with her surroundings fascinates me. I heard that after I left, she walked up and booped the nose of the old lady cat who always sits in the same chair in the living room. Val said "moop" when she did it. She's growing up so fast. My heart swells with pride.

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