Thursday, June 2, 2022

UV Exposure

Inspirational song: Rock Me Tonite (Billy Squier)

It was almost inevitable, that after weeks of behaving like a super-gardener, I'd eventually have to wear out and need a rest. I went to Fort Collins this morning, for the monthly meeting, and have been pooped ever since. I can't say why that drive takes it out of me. I always feel like I've been rolling around on the surface of the sun, taking in all the bad UV light. I always want to sleep all day when I get back. I extended my fatigue by making a Costco run before I left up there, to pick up dog food. I made the mistake of going there hungry, and I've only been snacking ever since. I never had a real meal all day.

So I'm going to call today pretty much a waste, other than checking in with my fellow real estate brokers. I may just recycle a recent photo and call it a day. Tomorrow should be more fun. I'll have that clever kid to keep me on my toes.

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