Monday, October 2, 2023

Cave Troll Day

Inspirational song: Anthem (Chess)

There was no way, after several days of working myself down to a nub, that I was going to allow myself to exert even the tiniest amount of energy today. I sat on my butt, I drank coffee, and I recharged. One of my daughters suggested a minor task (a password reset), and I told her no, not doing anything because it is a cave troll day. I'm hiding in the house and being grumpy. I was impressed as hell that I found the motivation to shower and put on a scruffy t-shirt dress. It was more than I intended.

Wait, I'm lying. I did one small thing. I'm upping the October factor for house decorations. I went outside and trimmed off a few dead branches of the broom plant at the corner of the property (the same sort of plant considered an invasive species in California), and made a very primitive looking miniature witch's broom. I need to tinker with it a little to make it both more elegant and spookier, but I'm thinking of hanging it up on the wall over the TV. There's a big empty horizontal space that needs something handcrafted in it. 

I went down hard for a nap late this afternoon, and when I woke, I had a sore throat. I am hoping it was something simple, like I breathed through my mouth while I slept, and the fall air is dry. Let's hope that is all it is. If it is something more sinister, this troll won't be coming out of her cave for a while.

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