Friday, October 6, 2023


Inspirational song: Lights (Journey)

Our garage is stuffed to the gills. There's a few very narrow paths, to the outlet where I plug in my car, to the garage door (but you inevitably have to step over something large on that path), and a broad one that encompasses Murray's area, the beer fridge, and the back door. The bulk of what's out there belongs to Mr S-P. It's tools, car parts, things for the cabin, and piles of junk that I couldn't possibly identify. On the shelves, around the perimeter, there are some boxes containing my stuff, and someday, I'd like to access them. I'm still sorting and thinning my earthly possessions, and I don't want to stop. I just can't climb Mt Trashmore to get to them. 

A few months ago, I asked whether we could dispose of something absolutely stupid out there, that we should never have acquired in the first place. He snapped back at me, "are you ever going to return the real estate signs to (ex-boss)?" This is a completely full two car garage, and two flat real estate signs are the problem? Well, as of today, those signs are gone. Now can we empty the rest of the crap?

I haven't seen my former boss since April, I think. I still adore him, and when we got together this morning over coffee to chat before I handed off the signs, it was like old times. He and I were always comfortable, chatting about anything and everything. I wanted to stay longer than I did, but he could see when my energy flagged. He knew I had a cold, and less than an hour into our visit, I just deflated. We left the Starbucks, transferred the signs from one car to another, and I drove back to town. I hope it's not the last chance I have to see him. 

I wanted to stop at Walmart once I got back to town. Not gonna lie, I wanted Powerball tickets, plus I needed a couple small things. Naturally I persuaded my younglings to go with me. The babies lit up when they saw Halloween decorations. I can't tell you how much that tickles me, that even as tiny babies they've never been scared of these spooky scenes. They love them. Watching both of them get excited over skeletons warms my heart. I sent a picture of this to my older daughter, and she zoomed in on it, circled a part, and returned it, saying, "tell Val this is Auntie's favorite bone." Archeologists are weird, and I like that.

I couldn't help myself. While we were there, I picked up more strands of fairy lights. I got one short one of three-color Halloween lights, one longer one of all green (for a purpose to be explained later), and one of tiny multi-colored Christmas lights for when I change out the autumn ones. So far one is just draped along the top of my bookshelf, and it's giving me warm fuzzy feelings, right in my little goblin brain.

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