Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Tradition Holds

Inspirational song: She's a Beauty (The Tubes)

Looks like it happened again. It wasn't supposed to, but the inevitable occurred. I wasn't planning on making my own birthday dinner. I was going to go to a restaurant. But then my daughter's flight was delayed significantly. We decided to just stay home and have a stir-fry. And the later the flight became, the more apparent it was that I had to cook it too. So once again, I was on my feet for hours, cleaning, prepping, cutting, cooking, and then loading the dishwasher. Why fight tradition, right?

It was kind of an up and down day. Started early, with my usual first thought upon rising: "what day is it?" I lay there thinking Sunday? Monday? It took me several seconds to remember it was my birthday. Then, minutes later, I heard whistling from the back yard, and Saoirse's name getting called. Then Mr S-P came in from the back, slipped on a jacket, and went out the front door. I understood almost immediately that a certain naughty dog had punched open the back gate and gone for a run. She skittered all around the neighborhood, catching the attention of several folks who took pictures and posted online about how she was super scared and wouldn't let anyone near her. We drove around looking for her. Finally a city worker who we had encountered saw her and called us (thank goodness he asked for my number). She was very agitated, and hard to get into the car. She has been a bit odd all day since then. But she is home.

It wasn't all bad news. I had been waiting for an update about a family member all morning, and when that came through the report was good. And today's Rotary meeting was our "non-profit day out," and I joined the group who went to hear the city manager talk about the housing authority, which was folded into city government a few years ago by necessity. It was fascinating and I learned a ton. I also found out there are landlord-tenant type meetings every other Wednesday, that I can attend. Overall, a productive day.

Also, my parents posted photos of how far back my love of gardening goes. I didn't take new photos today, even though I felt cute in my 'fit and makeup. I needed something to share.

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