Saturday, August 31, 2024


Inspirational song: 5:15 (The Who)

Whoa... when did it get to be this late? I was thoroughly enjoying a quiet day to myself, and suddenly it's after 10:30 and I don't know how that happened. I took life easy while Mr S-P ran errands and packed up his 4runner. He and Beinn are now off to the cabin for Labor Day weekend. For most of the afternoon and evening, the housemates were out. One is back, the other not (and her doggie is agitated waiting for her.) Tomorrow will be similarly quiet, unless I sneak off for kid time.

So while I had the house to myself, I did things that made me happy. I napped. I showered with a particularly smelly (in a good way) bath gel. I lit candles and incense, not worrying if I would overwhelm anyone's senses. I even did something totally silly and put on a Halloween ambiance video and played with tarot cards, because by the time I post this blog, it will be officially meteorological autumn. It's spooky season! The only thing I didn't get around to that I intended was making myself golden milk (like chai but with no tea, no caffeine). I was too full after making my perfect Okie dinner, chicken fried steak and cream gravy, made with chickpea flour. (Yes, I took a snap of it for my daughter, and yes, that is catsup on it over the gravy. Don't judge me.)  

I absolutely treasure my solo time. While it is fun to run my home like a boarding house, and I'm never really lonely, I get very excited when I have a chance to be the only human in the house. It must be something I got used to while the Mr was on active duty, gone on deployments for days, weeks, or months at a time. I had no self-consciousness about talking out loud to myself or to the animals (or plants or TV or cabinets...) I didn't have to worry about what I cooked or where I parked or whether the TV was too loud. I'm not aiming to kick everyone out and live like a hermit anytime soon, but neither will I pout or demand that the people living here must stay home and entertain me. I got that pretty well covered.

Also, I got sent a photo of one of the grandkittens today, the one who is Harvey's brother. I think he was sharing the same vibe as me.

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