Friday, November 1, 2013

Setting the Scene

Inspirational song: Turn the Page (Bob Seger)

I was afraid this would happen. I'm so deeply into my NaNoWriMo story, trying to get it going in the right order, and with the right tone, that stopping to write here requires a total change of direction that I'm not sure I can accomplish easily. My brain is full of my story, of the little girl with the recurring dreams, of the house where strange things happen, and of the world as it existed around forty years ago. So far, I have done what I said I would, and kept it all in pen and paper. It flows better that way. I just write, and spend less time deleting and editing. And that's my plan. I'm just going to tell the story at first. I want to get it all out, start to finish, and not worry about the word count. I can always add to it when I out it on the computer. I'm not worried about it taking up time to write it twice. I can type like the wind. Transcribing won't take any time at all.

I also finally got around to making my papier mâché headpiece for tomorrow's party, although I'm not sure I will fully dry tonight. It started to rain about an hour ago, and it's extremely humid in here right now. I've done two layers of the flour and water kind of papier mâché, in the hopes that it would dry faster and stronger than the liquid starch method. I haven't done this in years, since my older daughter and I copied Queen Nefertiri's headdress for her costume in high school. I committed to spending all day tomorrow doing football-type things with the mah jongg master, so I may be getting up very early to paint the headpiece. I hope it works. It is absolutely silly, but it will be fun creating a costume, since I skipped all other Halloween activities this year.

Ok, back to the story. I got a pep talk from my hero who finished a novel in 30 days last year. She says this year she is writing, but not on the clock. Where she saw too much stress, I see the deadline that might just push me to complete a work. Whatever it takes. Keep writing. Turn the page.

1 comment:

  1. *blush* You sound like you have a great plan. You can do it!
