Monday, November 11, 2013


Inspirational song: A Professional Pirate (Muppet Treasure Island)

I find myself with very little to say, neither here nor in my NaNoWriMo story. I can probably come up with one or two short paragraphs here, but where I really need to focus is on my little ghost story. So far today I have struggled to scratch out one short paragraph for the book. I have so many scenes I want to write, but I let myself be stuck by trying to write it all sequentially. What I should do is write out the bones of the story, and then flesh out the scenes I want to add in later. I may have to cave in and switch to typing it out now, instead of living so closely with my story with pen and paper.

Here's the problem: typing on a touchscreen sucks. It's only tolerable for short compositions like this, and even then I have ten times the typos I normally would because of the surface. I also never put a super functional word processing program on this tablet, and since I bought the smallest, cheapest iPad, I am rather stingy with my available memory. My desktop computer is a dinosaur, and it is in a large heap on my upstairs office floor, where it was unceremoniously dumped when I rearranged my living room and stole some furniture from the unused room. It will probably stay there for the time being. I have been thinking, on and off, for several months that the time is approaching to replace my laptop. I have been without for two years, since my Minions of Chaos were just kittens, and they threw a piece of my pottery--a large masque of a Green Man--off of the wall and onto the laptop on the floor. Both were shattered. And if I am to upload any kind of manuscript to be judged for NaNoWriMo, I am going to need a machine I can work on. I have started looking at what is available in a touchscreen laptop. My main priority will be massive amounts of storage, I think. I plan on continuing to write this blog for a very long time, and I will have quite a collection of photos the longer I do this. I'm tired of feeling like I have to delete lots of them to save space.

I sat by my mah jongg master's pool today, watching her dog run in circles, sniffing everything she could reach, including me. I'm not sure she ever took care of the business we were there to accomplish. But it was such a pretty day, and it was such a calm, pleasant place to be, I let her get away with it. Apparently it was my day for cute, furry girls to tease me.

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