Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting Dark

Inspirational song: Where Have All the Flowers Gone (Peter, Paul, and Mary)

I am surprised to find this day nearly over. I had a hard time getting started today, and I don't know how it is already so late. I don't feel like I got enough accomplished on the sign. I focused primarily on the figures of the three elves, but to me they still feel very roughed in. Two of them only have one layer of paint on their clothing, but the idea of leaning over and reworking such a large area is off-putting. My muscles are strained, and my knees and the tops of my feet (yes, really) are bruised from kneeling on the floor. I seem to get about ten minutes of painting for every twenty minutes of rest. I had this crazy idea of adding holiday symbols, like holly and whatnot, but I'm not so sure I can physically handle the extra painting now. I still love how it is coming, but it is taking a lot more out of me than I expected it to.

I have one last picture of progress, and then I am going dark on it. I am letting my fellow club members have that design show reveal moment. They know what is coming, but I will let them see it complete in person at the end. And to preserve my facade of anonymity, I will not show the final product here. I hate to disappoint, but I need to stick with my principles.

I hope I get the chance to do things other than paint tomorrow. The weather is turning bitter on Sunday, and while my flowers survived the last light cold snap, I don't expect my geraniums to survive the predicted 29 degrees. And my pretty orange ones are starting to bloom again. I do hate what bringing them inside does to them, though. They get so weak and yellow. But I have managed to keep that particular plant for four years now, so I can't give up on them now. They're like old friends at this point. I would hate to see them go now.

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