Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Inspirational song: After Me (Marillion)

I have around forty-eight hours to complete the sign, and I am nowhere near where I need to be. So forgive me, I need to be poring over calligraphy books and roughing in my script across the board, not writing a lengthy post. I did have a couple people promise to help out tomorrow, so I do have hope that this will all work out okay. I was starting to feel physical effects of stress, and it was no fun. I hope neither of these women is easily offended by a messy house, because writing is not the only thing falling by the wayside this week.

I got a surprise via email tonight. I was taking a painting break long enough to play bunco, and my stepmother called to ask why I missed her email. Had I known it was there, I would have responded immediately. I'm a big sister again. Their new baby is about four months old, and is absolutely gorgeous. I think this is the first cat they have had in something like fifteen years. I can't wait to meet her. She arrived with a name that happens to be the same as my younger daughter's alter ego. Dad isn't sure he will keep the name, but I'm trying to convince him it's perfect. I have a kitten named after a Greek goddess, so I think it's a fitting match for him to have one named for a Norse goddess. I like the symmetry.

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