Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hail and Farewell

Inspirational song: Kind Fortune (Fairport Convention)

Some days pass quietly into oblivion, and some days pack a whole lot of living into a few hours. This day fell into the latter category. I had no idea what was in store for me when it started, innocently enough, prepping for the holiday sign. Today was a joint baby shower for a friend of mine and for another pregnant friend of theirs. I expected to know only my friend and her husband, but instead, I was surprised to find people I haven't seen in a long time. I was thrilled to have time to get caught up with one old friend, to get to know better someone I only knew from her work, and to spend time with my pregnant friend, and her family who are absolute wizards with little kids. It was terrific, from the company, the games, all the way down to the food (I finally ate venison, in the form of chili, and didn't freak out like I imagined I would). As for the games, watching two daddies-to-be compete by bobbing for nipples has to be counted as a highlight of the day. 

I swear, I am NOT trying to rush things, but I did find the first thing to go in the hope chest for my first grandchild. I couldn't help it. I was there, unsupervised, in the bath aisle at the baby superstore. It was a teeny little bathrobe in my younger daughter's favorite color, with duckies on it. I had to buy it, and there was no one around who could have stopped me.

A husband and wife from the Bonfire group are about to move away, and tonight was their going away party. Everyone except the husband of this couple and I were excited about it being a Low Country boil and an oyster roast. There was no way I was going to consume sea creatures voluntarily. The party was terrific. This couple is going someplace super cool, and I can't wait to see pictures on Facebook, and hear all about it, so I can live vicariously through them. I wish them well as they move on. 

And we closed out the evening around the bonfire, having a great time, and skyping with my man. And one couple celebrated their wedding anniversary by the wife surprising the husband with an impromptu vow renewal ceremony. It was sweet and endearing, and made me love these guys all the more, watching them enjoying the hell out of their special moment.

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