Thursday, November 21, 2013

Everything's Goin' My Way

Inspirational song: Three Little Maids from School Are We (The Mikado)

Just past midnight, and I'm already singing Oh, What a Beautiful Morning. Maybe it's the fatigue talking, but I feel like things are really going my way right now. I am absolutely thrilled with how the sign is coming. As my stepfather (and favorite artist) pointed out, the figures have simple, bold, flat colors, with a strongly defined outline. He understood what I was going for, to be easy to read from the street, and to be eye-catching. I had my friends pose for me, so I could get proportions and tough things like hands and feet a little easier, but I stopped well short of trying to make any of the faces or bodies be an actual portrait of a real person. I would still be sketching and erasing and sketching again to this hour, ready to pull my hair out, if I had wanted to match real life.

I plan on finishing the image of the three women tomorrow. It looks like I have a chance at some help again Saturday and Sunday, so I'm going to leave the lettering and the finishing touches until a little later. I think the people who have offered to help out would be great for completing the design. I've been on record for months now for never being able to recognize when an art project is at the correct stopping point. I'm a little leery of thinking I need to add too many things, and then being miserable when I put in too much, thus ruining the balance of the piece. I need someone with a good eye, and it looks like I'm set there.

As miserably sore and headachy as I am right now, as tired as I am at this late hour, I don't think I will be sleeping well tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, and only this giant piece of art is under my control. Things are happening behind the scenes at Smith Park, things I can't speak of, for fear of jinxing them. Big changes could happen next year, and the determining factor may be what happens tomorrow. All I can do is wait and hope, and try to believe that things really are going our way.

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