Saturday, August 6, 2016

Following Instructions

Inspirational song: Torn (Natalie Imbruglia)

I arted so hard today. I mean, I painted all day. I don't know whether it counts as art since it wasn't my own. I feel weird about that. I was instructed to copy the art of someone else onto our fundraiser trophy. I asked whether it was kosher that I was using someone else's design, but I was waived off and assured it was fine. So I am doing as I was told, even though I don't like taking things that aren't mine, and I don't approve of people who do that. I'm just trying to ignore that disapproving voice inside. A few days ago I prepped the surface of the pie plate, using the spray paint designed to mimic sea glass, because it was the only one that specifically said it was to be used on glass. Then I painted on a sand color the same as the background on the poster. I gave it two days to cure, and then I had to figure out how to transfer the pattern. Turns out, there aren't a whole lot of places that still sell carbon paper. Not that I looked in very many stores, but carbon paper seems to have vanished along with the IBM Selectric. So I improvised. I bought colored chalk, and covered the back of my pattern with a thick layer of it, and ran around the lines with a ball point pen. Then I outlined everything in black Sharpie. I let that dry for a full day also. I started painting this morning, while I streamed a couple different sports at the Olympics (where I learned that Korean archers rock and French gymnasts are cartoonishly fragile). I ended up painting all day long, until my brain was depleted of all resources. I'm not done with the trophy yet, but I'm feeling a little torn about its progress. It's going to look hand-painted if it is made that way. But will they expect it to be as precise as if it were digitally transferred? Will I be sent back to the drawing board once I show it to the committee?

I do not actually play Pokemon Go. I do not criticize those who do. I am glad to see a sensation that gets generally couch-bound people out and walking and interacting with the world. And now I am a Pokemon Go enabler. Three nights in a row I've gone hunting for the little critters, without ever downloading the game. My primary motivation is hitting my step goals on my own phone tracker, while my roommate locates prizes as we walk. But I'm starting to have fun keeping an eye out for whatever is out there in my neighborhood. We even keep extending the length of our walks, to get more. I don't think I'll start playing, however, even knowing what fun we're having so far. I have one daughter on one team, the other on a different one. I'd never be able to choose one of those teams over the other, and if I chose the third option, they'd both be against me. I can't split loyalties that way.

One last thing. I'm concerned about Accidental Agnes the Adventurous Anole. She has been looking rough for a few weeks, and she spends almost all her time sitting on the same leaf next to the front of the cricketarium. I come up and talk to her all the time, and she just blinks at me. She used to dart away when I sprayed her cage with water, but now she just waits until it builds up on the leaf, and then she drinks it. She's often brown, even on the green leaf, and she looks like she's molting. I know she's getting plenty to eat, and I'm finally figuring out how to keep the clutches of crickets alive (I was stupidly not feeding and watering them, and wondering why they all kept dying off). I'm feeding the crickets a calcium-enriched gel (as their water) and a dry meal specifically for them. Can someone who knows more about lizards than I do give me some instructions here? Is she okay?

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