Friday, August 19, 2016

Talk to People

Inspirational song: I Love a Rainy Night (Eddie Rabbit)

Can I just pause a moment and express my appreciation for free water from the sky? My water bill last month was ridiculous. Mr X had programmed a reasonable schedule for the sprinkler system before he left, but within days I knew something had gone wrong with it. I was supposed to have three options, of two, three, or four days a week. Instead, my sprinklers were running three or four minutes per zone, two or three times per night, every single night. I'd hear them at 1030. Sometimes I'd hear them at 1130. And sometimes they would wake me at 0430. And for more than a month, I kept forgetting to do anything about it most of the time. I moved the switch that determined which schedule I was running, but nothing ever changed. And most mornings, I would totally forget that I'd lain awake grumbling about the sprinklers. I finally turned the whole system off last week, and have been watching and hoping for some rainy days and nights. A few showers went through yesterday afternoon, and a nice soaking rain came around bedtime last night. Waves of rain have come and gone all day today. The grass isn't quite as green as it was in July, but it's also not nine inches tall like it was then either. And tonight the temps are supposed to drop all the way down into the high 40s. While I'm expressing my gratitude, I'll throw out an extra hallelujah for a fuzzy pajama pants night.

We went out to dinner tonight, for the first time in ages. We went to one of my favorite restaurants, and sat at the bar, shoulder to shoulder with other people. On the way in, I kept trying to convince myself to talk to strangers, saying it over and over like a mantra. My roommate laughed at me a little. But for all that I'd psyched myself up to try to meet people, the only strangers we chatted with were the four or five bartenders who kept us fed and hydrated. The trio to my roommate's left were deep in conversation of their own, and the guy to my right was someone I've seen at this bar before, who drinks a beer and never looks up from his texting conversations. I knew not to bother interrupting. So back home we came, without any new contacts. At least we've bonded with the young man at the grocery store, who we met at the really good Pokemon park.

I'll get my chance to meet strangers soon enough. Now that I'm feeling better, I jumped at the chance to host an open house on Sunday. The house itself won't be on the MLS for a few days past when I'm going to hold it open, so there probably won't be as many people coming in on the arms of their existing realtors. Traffic will be determined by my signs and my Craigslist ad. It will be up to me to make a good impression, and I'm pretty confident I can do that. The house itself is small but in a highly sought-after price range, and it was remodeled by the same man who did the one I loved so much back in April. It won't be quite as fancy as that one (which was stunning), because of the budget this time around. But he does good work and I expect it to be wonderful. Now if I can just convince a good portion of Loveland's population to come by and chat me up.

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