Thursday, August 11, 2016

Night and Day

Inspirational song: 3 AM (Matchbox Twenty)

I promised to follow up on whether we ended up going to karaoke last night. We did do it. Both of us had to put on our big kid pants and fight our natural introverted selves to get there. But we went in, wandered into the back room where the karaoke was going down, and we settled in with a couple sodas to watch and size up the crowd. I told him that if this was a high-powered group of really good singers who are basically just rehearsing for the day they're discovered, then I wasn't going to get up and do it. We walked in to hear a woman singing her heart out. I wouldn't say she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but the tune kind of sloshed out a little as she carried it along. I knew we would fit right in. There was a pretty big line ahead of us to sing, but we put our names on it, and waited for our shot to come up. I decided to bring up my old favorite standby, Is She Really Going Out With Him. It wasn't until I was several lines into it that I remembered just how few notes there are in that melody. I didn't feel like a lovely nightingale last night. But I sang it as best as I could, which felt somewhat mediocre, but not significantly better or worse than the average of the crowd. Roommate sang his song, and then admitted it was the first time he'd ever done karaoke. We signed up for another round, but after we had waited almost an hour for the second song, we mutually decided the crowd had gotten significantly bigger and drunker, and it just wasn't as much fun being down there as sober people. We might go back next week, but we'll go early, right when things start, rather than later when it devolves into chaos.

It was much more pleasant to be out last night after dark than it was trying to weed the plantain away from the patio at high noon. It was so hot and so unpleasant to be outside today. I tried three or four different times to pull out those horrible weeds over the course of the afternoon, and I thought I was going to die. I was covered in sunscreen, wearing a hat and gloves, and I still felt like I was lying on the Waffle House griddle wherever the sun touched me. I cleared maybe a two foot by six foot section, and now I think I've ruined myself for days. Hooray.

At least before we started walking, the rains came. The whole world cooled off late afternoon, and all was forgiven. We even had a double rainbow. Our walk was much more pleasant with a little cloud cover. I started believing in the possibilities of the future again. Almost, anyway.

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