Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Now Sing, Dummy

Inspirational song: Is She Really Going Out With Him (Joe Jackson)

I was in danger of spending the evening doing a big fat nothing. We had eaten an early dinner and were kicked back watching old South Park episodes, when Mother Nature changed our plans. There were a couple of loud, large peals of thunder, just enough to send Alfred running for cover, as an ominous warning to us all. Then everything went dark, and in a basement room with only one small window, that's really dark. So now we are kicked back instead in cheap lawn chairs, under the front porch awning, watching the cars go by in a heavy rain. Our walk is obviously postponed for a while, but maybe being pushed out of the basement will yield other benefits. My roommate and I have been talking about finding a venue for karaoke in this town for weeks, and I heard about a bar that has it on Wednesday nights. Or maybe it was just last Wednesday and we missed it, I don't know yet. I want to believe that I'm still enough of an attention-whore exhibitionist to get up and sing in a bar full of strangers. It has been many years since I tried to do it. I'm reluctant to drink alcohol tonight, so I won't necessarily have a shot of liquid courage to tide me over. I hope I'm brave enough to make a fool of myself and have fun while I do it. I'll let you know.

I already got my bravery sticker for the day. I was a good little grown up and went in for my mammogram, as ordered by the doctor last week. It's been almost two years since my last one, so I was definitely due. They're never fun, but they really aren't that bad, in my opinion. Now it's over with, and I can be done with it for another year or two.

Looks like the rain is ending and my power is back on. Time to make the judgement call. Homebody or karaoke star. Who do I feel like being now?

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