Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Semper Gumby

Inspirational song: Blue Christmas (Elvis Presley)

Work schedules and last minute changes have thrown a wrench into our holiday schedule, but I think we finally have it sorted out satisfactorily. I'm trying to be flexible and not get mad at situations far beyond my control. Because of our role as primary babysitters, we have more access to family than a significant percentage of the country for holiday traditions. I do not take that lightly. I am grateful for what I have. And not for nothing, I kind of expected this year to be a difficult one in which to set up new traditions, but with new family members, I tried it anyway. I claimed Christmas Eve as Dinner at Grandma's night. Then we can go open presents and stockings at the kids' house on Christmas morning. Valerie won't remember a whole lot about this particular holiday, so she won't judge us for having to adjust around her mommy working overnight on Christmas Eve. She won't be waking her parents up early to rip open presents and see what Santa brought. At least not this year. She may not even be cognizant of it all next year. But Christmas 2022? Watch out, Smiths. She will be two and a half. The holiday will revolve around her.

I experienced a whim this week and I caved in to it. I passed a box of "midnight indigo" hair dye when shopping on Sunday, and I grabbed it and bought it. This evening, I tried it. I let it stay on my head twice as long as it said to. My hair is darker now, but is it blue? Meh. In the right light. Roots are bright blue, but where I previously dyed it medium brown, it just looks black. Every other thing I came into contact with is vivid blue now though. I rinsed it in the kitchen sink, and it took serious elbow grease to scrub that out, both from the sink and from my head. The gloves I wore absorbed the dye quite well. The dedicated hair-dying t-shirt will need to be washed with Murray's laundry, to avoid ruining all my clothes. I did find the right soap to get it off my skin (Kroger store brand Castille soap with tea tree oil), which kept me from locking myself in my bedroom for a month waiting for it to wear off. My face looked like I was cosplaying as a Pict. I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow to see whether I want pictures of it.

Speaking of pictures, we got a burst of them this afternoon when the baby was being funny. I would say this kid has been paying attention to how her kitties find entertainment. She is learning by watching. Smart baby.

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