Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Spot Check

Inspirational song: Skin on Skin (Boomtown Rats)

I am able to admit when I am wrong. Just a few days ago, I went on record predicting that the baby would have her first tooth emerge no later than inauguration day. Left unsaid was the implication that I thought it would be within one or two days of that date, not significantly sooner. Yet today, while I held that baby and watched her chew on a toy, I reached in and touched her gums. Lo and behold, one of her lower front teeth has broken through! We have a tooth! I tried to take a good look at it, and I wanted to get a picture. She was having none of it. I never actually saw it, and the pictures looked like she was mad at me for trying. I'm enjoying being wrong on the date. The sooner she has teeth, the sooner I can feed that baby foods to chew. Whee!

She had all the wiggles while she was here today. She was wrestling with us when we tried to hold her, and she demanded to get down on the floor and do her own thing. That left her vulnerable to the attention of The Cuddle Ambassador. There was a gag from first season South Park where Kyle played a game with his younger brother Ike called Kick the Baby (and every time, Ike would say in his little kid voice, "Don't kick the baby!") I lost count of how many times I chastised Saoirse, "Don't lick the baby!" Every single time, I though of Kyle and Ike.

I benefited from someone canceling their dermatology appointment this week, and I went in to have a spot check. Just above where I had the partial mastectomy last year, I have been monitoring a small bump that showed up in February or March. The dermatologist asked whether I had radiation, and she said that increases my chances for another basal cell carcinoma. She sliced it off and sent it for a biopsy. I never felt a thing, not the needle, the scalpel, nor any lingering tenderness. I'm really not worked up about this. She will call either way, and if I have to have another Mohs surgery to dig it out, big deal. The one on my nose healed fine (if somewhat lopsided), and one doesn't generally need chemo from little spots like this. I'm just glad I got in to see the doc nearly three months sooner than expected. She books up months out.

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