Sunday, November 14, 2021


Inspirational song: Walk of Life (Dire Straits)

My entire day was consumed by two activities that should have seemed easy. We had to go to Costco (for an appointment to have snow tires put on), and we invited the kids over for dinner. Nothing there sounds exhausting. Yet it was. When we arrived at Costco, they told the Mr that his appointment didn't appear in the books. He had texted me when he booked it. Both of us had it scheduled for noon today in our phone calendars. But we were there, and they took the car in without a fight. They just warned us it would take a little longer than usual to fit it in. Great. That means longer in the store, which translates to a lot more time to put things in the cart. Knowing we had to fit everything around the four all-season tires that would be put back in the Focus kept us from getting too-too much, but only just.

In the two plus hours we were there, I must have done the equivalent of five or six full laps of the store. I don't walk this much on a regular basis, particularly not while pushing a cart weighing more than a hundred pounds. My old, out of shape body is mad at me now. My hips and knees are going to get their revenge on me tonight when I try and fail to sleep.

We are nearing the end of the Rotary coat drive, and as I have been trying to remember to give to it for years and failing (executive dysfunction is a monster, trust me), I figured it was time to get some coats to drop off. I asked what they always need to buy at the end, what they never have enough of, and they said the largest adult sizes and all children's coats. So I grabbed one each men's, women's, and children's. Now the hard part will be making myself get them the three blocks to the drop-off at the hardware store closest to me. Wish me luck.

While at the store, I got supplies for a classic Sunday dinner, pot roast and roasted veggies, and had the kids come over for it. We are trying to eat together a lot more often, now that Valerie is finally getting the hang of this whole silverware thing. We let her eat only finger food for too long, and we had to back up and start putting forks and spoons in her hands. She's not graceful with it yet, but she is game to try. As she sat on mom's lap, eating ice cream, we noticed she doesn't quite get that food is supposed to stay on top of the spoon as it goes to her mouth. Her tongue is below it, so it makes sense to make those two meet, right? Makes for a messy dining experience. Still cute, though.

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