Thursday, November 4, 2021


Inspirational song: The Time Warp (The Rocky Horror Show, original London cast)

I love weird little coincidences. I was playing music most of the day to help keep me moving while cleaning (it only vaguely helped). First I listened to someone's old school funk playlist on Spotify, then I changed it to a daily mix targeted at me that was all show tunes. (There was a lot of Hamilton in that mix. It knows me well.) Once I had depleted that, Spotify just kind of riffed from there. It brought up a lot of deep cuts and obscure songs I had never heard before. Late in the day, it played an original cast recording of the Time Warp, and I was thrown for a loop. It was slow and clunky, and I was very glad it was cleaned up for the movie a couple of years later. Not half an hour after that, I got a text from daughter number one, who said YouTube music suggested the original Roxy cast version of the same song. She was just sure she recognized one of the singers as someone we used to listen to a lot. Googling who sang in which versions sent me down a deep rabbit hole, in which I learned about aborted sequels to the story that thankfully were never made. Somehow I think the original film and the companion piece Shock Treatment would have suffered by association had they been allowed to proceed.

I got a lot of cleaning done today, despite needing to sit and rest way too many times. I had a lot of help from daughter number two, who left the baby at home so we could really focus. Her sister is on the way here now, as I type, and we are quite excited to see her again. We got to visit over the summer when she met us in Vegas for our neighbors' wedding (she knew the bride before any of the rest of us did), and now she is coming out for CU homecoming. I have to accept that this is not a mommy-daughter trip, but a "see my friends from college" trip. We will have much more time at the end of the month when she returns. Still, I want the house clean before she arrives, and it is much closer tonight than it was yesterday.

There will be some interesting interactions in the next few days. Grand-dog Sheba is coming, and she is getting to be a little old lady now. She never liked children, so Valerie will not be meeting her. But now she also doesn't care for large dopey dogs, like Saoirse, and as we are keeping an eye on her during the football game and after party, it will be quite the challenge keeping them separated. I think she will be fine with Murray, who is wearing his age as well.

This will be the first time Val has met her auntie, so I hope she doesn't get too shy to be her charming self. She is often reticent around me and her grandpa, so who knows whether she will show off her cute little voice or just duck her head. Fingers crossed for Val the showgirl.

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