Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Inspirational song: More Than This (Roxy Music)

Traditionally, writing these nightly blurbs gets harder the closer we get to major gift-giving events. I'm terrible about keeping secrets, plus I also always want advice. I'm not sure whether that is eased or compounded as we reach a stage in our lives where we desire less stuff, and thus always say we don't want to exchange many gifts. I know having a little girl who I want to spoil senseless definitely puts a hitch in those plans of scaling back the holidays. 

I went shopping after Rotary with my buddy, and already bought one gift. This means the season has officially kicked off. From here on out, I'll be tying myself in knots wanting to write about what I bought or made, but knowing I like gifts to be surprises. Some people are super easy to buy for. Most everyone else is an enigma to me. I have no idea what to give the people I know are in the same boat as I am, those who know they have too much stuff and want to downsize or just not fill up their limited living spaces more than they have to. I never know if they understand I do appreciate them, if I struggle and often fail to give gifts at the winter holidays. I would like to be better at giving. (Yep, I've almost completed one full knot as I compose.)

Mr S-P went up to check on his cabin today, while the big snows are holding off. He could only get so far before he had to park his truck and hike in, even during this dry autumn. He set a brace under his new deck cover, and moved an aspen tree that came down in the wind. He arrived home well after dark, and as he was devouring leftovers, he said something like "I didn't mean to, but I might have brought back a tree." It was too dark for me to be able to see properly where it was leaning in the back yard, but it's looking likely that our Christmas tree this year will be a gangly teenager tree from the mountain instead of the prelit artifical tree I got last year. Early in our relationship, we avoided arguments by alternating who got to choose the tree each year. Looks like it is his year. I just hope we will set it up right away. Like tomorrow.

(I stole a random photo from the ones he sent back to the family chat. This one shows an example of what I think the tree in the back yard looks like.)

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