Monday, November 8, 2021

Dance of Shiva

Inspirational song: Monkey Wash Donkey Rinse (Warren Zevon)

Two days ago, my living room was so tidy. It wasn't Grandma Reynolds perfect, but it was tidy and I was happy. This afternoon we had a little creation goddess going around, leaving traces of her presence over the whole main floor of the house. Now I'm in a pile of fuzzy blankets, surrounded by books, blocks, and every bottle of bubble solution in our collection. I'm pretty sure there are peaches on two places on the rug, and I'm just too tired to check. The steam cleaner can wait until Wednesday.

I really enjoy babysitting, but some times it takes the air out of me. It doesn't help that I started a new antibiotic to attack the same UTI I've had since radiation started in September. (The last round didn't kill it, and it turns out you just can't wish these things away, and trust me, I tried.) I am a little lightheaded as my body decides whether it will allow me to take it or reject it and add one more to my allergy list. I wish I had more energy to chase that baby. She was sure cute today. Wiley, too. She knew when we were trying to catch her and she would zip away. I mostly sat on the love seat and waited for her to get in range.

I went looking on the PBS app for Sesame Street shows. I guess they all moved to HBO, didn't they? I gave up my HBO when I got rid of satellite TV. Val got a new toy, that was like a little cd player with hard plastic discs, with all the classic Sesame Street songs. We thought maybe we could start showing some of it to her, if she was ready for that sort of thing. Do they still have it on the broadcast channel? I will have to investigate. Maybe if she actually sees Ernie singing to Rubber Ducky she will let me play it on her toy. For now all she cares about is hitting the open button and spreading the discs all over the floor. 

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