Monday, November 1, 2021

Hit the Nail

Inspirational song: Head Like a Hole (Nine Inch Nails)

After everything I did for the last several days, I felt no guilt doing jack today. I woke up at a normal morning time, but by 11 I was already starting to droop. As I had neither appointments nor urgent projects, there was nothing stopping me from more rest and recovery. It didn't hurt that I have had a headache and stuffy nose all day, and taking it slow was the best fix for that.

While I was doing all that hand-sewing, I discovered the hard way that my dip nails (acrylic powder) weren't adhering very well at the cuticle. I hadn't prepared the nail bed properly last time (you're supposed to scuff the top of your natural nails with a file), and they were popping off at the base. This meant that thread kept getting caught under the bottom end of the nails and tugging on my fingers. I had to pause my costume-making and soak them off. (This time I used the method of pure acetone and paper towel in a zippy bag, tight around the wrist, the bag immersed in warm water to speed the process. Irritated my hands further, but worked quickly.) It has been over a month since I had my natural weak nails exposed, and I disliked it. One tried to tear below the quick last night, so my big accomplishment on this day of rest was filing and reapplying dip powder. Ever since, my hands have been itchy. What the heck did I do?

I guess before I go to bed I should put my ballot in my purse, so I can drop it off on my way to Rotary. The last two weeks, I sat across from one of the candidates for mayor, and tomorrow he is supposed to give me the basketball tickets he donated and I won in a silent auction (for our Polio Plus fundraiser). I had better be wearing an I Voted sticker before I see him.

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